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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Penny L. Rickert

Photographing for advertisemnt

I have been approached to take pictures at a local winery. The owners would like to use them for advertising purposes. Do I sell the images to them as a "one time use" and if so how do I come about the pricing for the images?

Penny Rickert

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May 11, 2008


Chris H. Ludwick
  I've done winery shoots as well and what I have done is charged enough to give them the pictures to use at there will. They always seemed to use them in a flyer news letter and again for ads. They might find it too restrictive for a one time use, especially if they have a web site too.
Just mt thoughts on it.

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May 12, 2008


Penny L. Rickert
  How do you come about with a price for the image? I was thinking along the same lines as to let them use the pictures at their will.

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May 12, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  I prefer to use the 3 meter rule, myself.

Mount a dart board in your studio. Place a chunk of black gaffers tape (masking tape won't work) on the floor preisely 3 meters from the face of the dart board.

Stand at the line and throw 3 darts and using the appropriate scoring method for doubling or tripling points, add them up, divide by 3 (for the 3 darts). Then multiply that figure times the Schmelenberg coefficient of 6.02 times avogadro's number. Divide by 1.37 to determine the correct Euro dollar amount and multiply times $2000.00. That should get you into the ballpark, according to APA (advertising photographers of America standards).

Or, just join

and stand by to get a real education on pricing the way advertising pros do it. Remember, to your clients, the value of your work should be the same as ours to the same clients and certainly no less.
Take it light. . .but take it.

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May 12, 2008


Chris H. Ludwick
  Nice link there Mark, thanks.

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May 13, 2008

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