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Gallery Show - What to Put on Title Cards?

I'm having my first exhibition, and I just talked to the gallery owner about making title cards to go next to each photo. He told me to print: name, title, size of print, type of paper
1) I'm not sure what to put for type of paper. I used Kodak Royal Digital Paper. I don't really want to put that on the card. Should I put "AgX Paper" or "silver halide paper"? Or just leave it off altogether?
2) Do I put the size of the print? Or the size of the print, plus the 2-inch matte? Any advice would be very welcome! Thank you!

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March 31, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Robin,
Kodak Royal Digital is conventional silver/gelatin (emulsion) negative color paper. It is intended to be used in combination with a digital printer that exposes via a laser or LED or Light Valve print engine. Thus it has been sensitizes to accommodate these specialized light sources. Crystals of silver salts are the chief light sensitizing ingredient. These are imbedded in gelatin which is the binder that holds the mixture and affixes it to the paper.
As a sidebar: Chemical-based papers are processed by submersion in chemical baths. The paper is made from pine pulp thus it has a defined cell structure. Residual chemicals tend to be retained in the cells and if not washed out or neutralized, stain the image in short order. Waterproofing the paper became common by mid century. Today the waterproofing is accomplished by coating the paper, both sides with a plastic overcoat. This prevents the paper from being wet during the water based chemical process, only the emulsion coated on top of the overcoat is infused with chemicals. Since the emulsion has no cell structure its easy to wash out all residual chemicals. This greatly speeds up the process and paper drying as well.
The coating is called RC for resin coat.
You could therefore label your paper "Silver/Gelatin RC Color Paper".
No need to put print size.
Maybe paper type as above, a title and your name.
Best regards,
Alan Marcus (marginal technical gobbledygook)

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March 31, 2008

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