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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Kenneth Maurer

Should I allow her to use my photo?

I was asked by someone that saw one of my photos on BetterPhoto, if she may use it on a website that she is making. Although I do not know anything about the subject of the website she is building, I do not see any harm in letting her use it. I googled this person and "Holographic Repatterning" seems to be her field. Does anybody have any suggestions, advice, warnings, etc., about allowing her to use one of my photos. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Ken

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March 26, 2008


Samuel Smith
  welcome ken.
you have to find out what her site is promoting that her site is making a statement,or is she with a cause.
guilty by association.your photo with a credit,not mentioned,leaves it so vague that you agree with the website.
I have only 2 photos out there donated,with full rights,and have been honored.
it' a feel,profit,non-profit,a viable cause?

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March 26, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  What do you get out of it?

Why should you?

I just quote a price, and that's usually the end of that.

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March 27, 2008


Samuel Smith
  i don't know jerry.a self supporting moral that we support a cause,or that we support an idea greater than our own?

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March 28, 2008


Kenneth Maurer
  Sam, Jerry, thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my question. I appreciate it.

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March 28, 2008


Nikki D. Storms
  Could be advertisement for you! find out what the website contains....

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May 06, 2008


Mary Iacofano
Will her website protect the image? Will it be able to lifted off that site for anyone to use anyway w/o your knowledge?
Why would you want to give away your hard work? As someone stated to me once, "The lenses in the bag are not free, why should your work be?"
I looked at your gallery. Your photos are outstanding. No way would I give away any of those. Your work is awesome.

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May 06, 2008


Samuel Smith
  once,said photo is donated,the rights are also donated,piracy,as mentioned,is also turned over.
the request as to the use of a photo is an honor,with research.
some posess knowledge,why would anyone ever want to share that for free eh...
wether free or through professional sales isn't it the same photograph,the same artist and the same vision?
it's possible my dial up is slowing my thinking?

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May 07, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  So Ken, she's in the holographic biz, eh? I'm into mystic crystals myself. My blue crystal tells me that if your photo depicts recognizable people or products to illustrate a website, which is publishing, you should have a release. If not, my red crystal tells me "danger danger boys and girls".

And no Sam, it's probably not your dial up. LOL !!
Take it light.

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May 07, 2008


Samuel Smith
  well I grew up a farm boy so maybe it's the dial up on life?
ignore me nickcole,that I go off at times with a different understanding.maybe a bit more accumulated,less intelligent knowledge.
sometimes the danger,danger will,reminds us of the past?
the ignorance of some and by use of our photo is not relevent.
the photo was taken with intent...idea.
now,a question of misuse or to support a cause,not the intent of the photographer,falls not on us.
I think we photograpgh to convey a message or to conyey an
idea.but never to support anothers point of view or cause unless under contract with a paid assessed value as possibly our own demise by association.
if the courts or other eyes see it differently,although not our intent,then we have failed to elect a true governing body.
are most judges appointed nickcole?advertisement judges are every 2 years.

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May 08, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Kenneth,
I just looked at and looked at comparable butterfly images and they are selling images - 640kb/$95.00 up to 50MB/$450.00. These are usage fees and you still retain all rights of your work.
I suppose you could even sell a 320kb for $50.00 if you dont think she needs a larger image.
Hope this helps,

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May 10, 2008


Samuel Smith
  got your email kenneth.the world around us is a bunch of thieves.
fullfill yourself with honor.
that you donate your photo to a site or cause,excludes you to an inclusion as to their cause or benifit.
as to a cause,your call.even a misuse is ok because we know your intent....

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May 11, 2008

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