BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Jon DeHarpporte

photo pricing and copyright

how do photographers with websites go about pricing photos? and how does copyright work with that? for instance, if you sell a photo to a magazine, are you selling the rights of that photo to that magazine or just a one time use fee? if you sell the rights, does that mean that it is no longer your photo, you do not own it anymore and can't use it for any purpose after the sale? what is an average price for each of these options and what option would you recommend for magazines? what do they expect?

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March 24, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Well Jon, it's like this.......... No wait a minute....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..nope. I won't say it. I can't. Sorry Jon. Never mind.

OK, I can't take it anymore.
GET A BOOK ON BUSINESS PRACTICES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS like the one from Know the rules that apply to the business you're dabbling in or learning AND get the forms books that include delivery memoranda. Register the work and SEARCH the articles here on copyright !!!!!!!!!!! Usage fees, first and second north american rights, world rights, copyrights generally, ad infinitim.

In the alternative, just give your work away. You'll save a lot of reading and headaches that way. If you need an answer right away, then IMO you waited too long.

Whew, I feel much better now. :>)

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March 24, 2008


Samuel Smith
  how tired do we get?usage rights and such?
boy used and abused.
all my best mark,hope you and yours are so very fine tonight.pandering.
but to mull with the ignorant.
so most,a few do,realize your expertise,you might not post as often.
so I understand your rejection as to well ignorance.
gee they won't do their homework?
I don't think I have ever leaned on you.yet a generalist view that we are subject to.
frustration--the ongoing effort to choke the living excrement out of fools.or the pugilistic effort to ,by your enemies,call an ambulance?
very worn threads are visible.

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March 24, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Boy Sam, you got that exactly right.
As you know, I certainly enjoy helping out when I can, but how many times have we (including you) answered the same questions that are already in the BP archives? These in particular. You;d think a guy who's been a member as long as this guy would get that, go look first and then ask a specific question AFTER he does his homework. Beyond that, I think I gave him a generous answer to his question. Don't you? Besides, if he doesn't like the music here, he should just change the channel. Personally, I think he waited way to long and is looking for a short-cut.

And btw Samuel, any time you need to "lean" so-to-speak, feel free to do so ;>)

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March 25, 2008


Jon DeHarpporte
  for one thing mark, if you have no patience being a consultant on this website, you're the one who doesn't belong here and should change the channel, not me. another thing, I haven't been a member very long, try two weeks and i'm not on this thing every day. I actually have a life. why not instead of being arrogant, just refer me to the archives. is that so difficult? a person with talent means nothing when their personality ruins everything.

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March 25, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Tell me Jon, when you went to school was it on a big yellow bus or one of those teeny tiny little yellow busses?

I think I answered your question quite adequately. And two weeks is long enough to see there's a wealth of info in the archives here, especially concerning your two questions. The one they didn't address was how to treat your bipolar disorder, but for that I recommend contacting (American Psychiatric Association). LOL !!!

Now please just change the channel. Try copping your own arrogant attitude at They'd love you over there, I'll tell my buddy Phil Greenspun who runs the site to save you a special place. In the meantime, if you can't handle this heat, your chances of succeeding in the magazine biz are slim or none. [Whatta shock eh? LOL !]

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March 25, 2008


Jon DeHarpporte
  you know, first mark, I didn't take a yellow school bus to school like you did. I grew up from birth traveling around the world taking many different and interesting forms of transportation to school in countless developing countries. the world and its experiences was and is my home, and my school.
and being a member for two weeks, who are you to judge that as sufficient time to look through all the archives. everybody has different priorities. this isn't my life. i've got a lot of other things going on. when I created a website, it came with online "support" and when I posed the question to the website administrators, they're the ones who told me it was an excellent question to post on the "forum" which I had no idea existed at the time, let alone archives, so I did. if you have a problem with the question, then contact your own people. as far as the heat is concerned, I think you're the one who's burned out. why else would you get so frustrated with a simple question and that's what really gets to me. its so childish, and why are you wasting your time arguing with a nobody in the photography industry. don't you have anything better to do? is your career that dull?

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March 25, 2008


Samuel Smith
  so here jon,and we all had that undestanding when you joined?you the man,as you professed,of the world,would ask a simple question?
well,as you say I want to know.
yet this has been asked forever here.unknowing to you.big deal.
I saw nowhere a personal assualt,general yes.
that a volunteer,wether I agree with or not becomes weary.what?am to blame others for my inability to produce decent shots or that I was abused on a thread?your not being fair.
it seems you want a handout of info.which why not,is that maybe you caught mark on a bad day.
excellent question to the forum from the administrators?
boy ron,i responded to your email,and I have tried to's a therapy thing with a member who I admire,geez.
my attitude and yours.
do I ignore him in the future?

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March 25, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Alright everyone. You all have valid points & concerns but lets play a little nicer. Mark is correct about the many threads that have already been discussed & his suggestion about reading business practices for photographers, but after reading Jon's questions, I think you should also visit Corbis & the many other Stock photo agencies and read what their rates/quality are going for (compared to your own work) and look at the many Better Photo websites of other photographers and see what they are charging. There are also classes for Stock Photography & publishing right here at Better Photo -


Peace always & all ways, Carlton

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March 25, 2008


Samuel Smith
  there is no problem here's a discussion.different points of view that with like minds come to an agreement.
so jon's post was the one that mark said I refuse.a new member who says i'm offended,not knowing the ongoing info here on bp,i could accuse you carlton of not providing this info before we posted and then we would'nt be here.
you assume these links will work with your knowledge,not jon's.
I tried to avoid eating crow on this but I have the taste of a few feathers.
now that you jumped in carlton a solution?mediator?
I don't think there's a problem.

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March 26, 2008

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