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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Donna Rowley

A proposition....Advice please!

G'morning all,

I recently submitted a photo to the BBC website and they displayed it for a few days. While it was on there it was spotted by several people and yesterday I got a message left on my answer machine - the zoo it was taken at would like me to phone them to discuss using it for "promotion purposes".

Okay, as a rank amateur its very tempting to say "yes please, do whatever you want with it!" and take the kudos. But it would be quite disappointing if they printed a few hundred thousand t-shirts with it and I made not a penny. Obviously my first question to them has to be "what sort of promotion did you have in mind?" but where do I go from here?

I have several pictures I'm sure they'd be interested in (same critters, different poses) so I'm definitely keen to get back to them.

But what do I need to look out for? What should I accept/not accept in your opinions? All advice greatly appreciated!



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March 11, 2008


Raymond H. Kemp
  Congrats on getting some recognition for your fine work! Well, as you already indicated, your first question is finding out what promotions with your work do they have in mind?

It’s not out of line to ask them what they have in their budget for artwork. I work with several book publishers and when they contact me for a new project I’ll inquire about budgets. The budget may or may not fall within my price range and with that the negotiation door opens up.

Once you establish budget info and purpose, you can then work to establish rights usages, credit line, and course how much. The price will weigh heavily on what rights they are looking for.

Keep another thing in mind; you’re not the only photographer shooting at their zoo. You happen to be one that caught their eye from a BBC website. You’re work is very good!

Let us know how this plays out.


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March 11, 2008


Donna Rowley
  Hi Ray, thanks so much for replying and for your great comments.

I just spoke with the Promo lady at the zoo and she says they just want it for Press Release for the major newspapers here and the nationals. She also wants to put it online and send it to Sky News. Their aim is to attract more visitors to see these particular animals. She said I'd be acknowledged (kinda thought that went without saying!) but said I'd have to draw up my own contract re uses of the photo(or photos). She's putting the pressure on (like I expected) because she needs it asap and she wants me to email her 1 meg images of each of the relevant shots.

So what do I do?!

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March 11, 2008


Raymond H. Kemp
  Well you now know what the usage is for, but did you discuss or ask about money? Also, what rights to the image(s) do they want? How many images?

It’s up to you if you want to make money on your images. Your earlier post indicated that your photography is for enjoyment and not professional and just getting a credit line may be enough satisfaction for you.

You should as a minimum draw up a limited copyright release for the specified images or else they just may wind up on thousands of T-shirts!

Keep us posted!


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March 11, 2008


Donna Rowley
  Nope, didn't ask those (important!) questions. I just asked what they wanted to use it for and said I may have more they'd be interested in. I said I'd have to go think about it. Money wasn't mentioned at any stage. And yes, I'm an amateur but not about to get ripped off so I'll try to put together some sort of contract!

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March 11, 2008

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