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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Sarah V. Meadmore

Request for print with matting


Somebody unexpectedly asked to buy one of my prints, to which I enthusiastically agreed. She asked that I include matting with the print, for the price that I asked. I agreed thinking that it was strange but that I would figure that out later.

Has anyone ever had a request to include matting with a print? She asked for an 8x10 print. Is there a certain size that I should go to with the matting? How do I present it when I send it to her?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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March 01, 2008


John Rhodes
  Sarah, It is rare that I sell a print unmatted. Whether through gallery or art festival sales, all my work is matted and backed with archival materials and methods. I use only white matting. I suggest to customers that the white would serve as an inner mat if they desired to have their framing service add an outer mat in a oclor of their coice.

Did your customer specify what kind of matting and what color? If not, is she willing to take whatever you choose? I don't know your pricing structure, but I suggest you don't sell matting and backing for the same price as the print itself unless you are satisfied with that arangement.


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March 01, 2008


Sarah V. Meadmore
  Thank you John. I really don't know ANYTHING! I never expected to sell anything so I never found out...

But now I am confused and have more questions. What is backing? If I now take the prints to a framing place will they take care of the matting and give it back to me in a way that is presentable and mailable? How do I ask for that?

Thank you so much for your help.


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March 01, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Hi Sarah,
This link is to an article about matting and framing for photographers: You might consider that the mat and frame you give your print shows how much value the print has.
Thanks, John Siskin

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March 01, 2008


John Rhodes
  Sarah, The backing is the matboard or foamcorm that the photo is mounted on. The photo lies between the backer and the mat.

Sarah, I would get back to the customer and tell her that you will mail the print to her and suggest she have the image mounted and framed where she is. By the time you have a frame shop mat a piece, your costs will likely exceed your income.

I use a print service for all out-of-town orders. The customer orders directly from them at a price that I determine. The customer pays the shipping and the printing costs are deducted from my price. The print service then makes a deposit to my bank account. This may not be what you want to do at this stage.

As I have suggested to others, you may do better by starting to promote your photography locally by joining an art association and participating in art festivals. See what others are doing in your area with photography.

If you would like additional info, you can contact me directly through my BP deluxe site.

All the best,

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March 01, 2008


Sarah V. Meadmore
  Thank you very much, both of you. I am grateful for the feedback.

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March 01, 2008

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