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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 
- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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Photography contracts?

Does anyone know of a source for online downloadable contracts. I need one that would cover usage rights. Someone wants to buy an image to use in their advertising, to incorporate my image into their logo to be used on business cards, brochures, etc. They want an exclusive right to the image meaning that they don't want me to sell the image to any other competing company. I will still own the copyright and can still sell prints of the image etc. I need to get a contract to them ASAP. I have looked all over the internet and can't find anything remotely resembling what I am looking for!

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February 25, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  You need a book on business practices for photographers. offers them to non-members. You're looking for a stock delivery/usage memorandum that you and your clients or their lawful representative, sign off on.

You should also consider joining a professional association and attending local chapter meetings to discuss and learn the practices and fees helpful to use the forms in that book, including what rates for what usage to plug into the blanks. There are similar books available but my preference for publications and membership is ASMP.

BTW Jill, if you're going to do this kind of work, or any kind for that matter on a profit-making level, a business plan that includes a fee/usage schedule for exactly what you're asking about, worked out in advance of when you need it, is pretty useful towards profits and surviving in this industry. Like anything else in biz, your fees for services are calculated on a foundation of your expenses, ALL expenses and costs associated with producing the work in the first place, equipment depreciation, costs of doing business, etc., and then a profit margin added to a calculation of instrinsic value of your work to the client. That's intended to answer your earlier question.

Take it light ;>)

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February 25, 2008

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