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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Luca Diana

How to start a Photo Business

I am now ready to start my own business (state of Wyoming) and I'm looking at my options. From what I have seen through online companies that help you start your business one cannot deduct travel expenses with an LLC or S-Corp, only with a regular Corporation. Is it so, and if it is, is there a workaround. I do travel photography and travel expenses are the bulk of my expenses. Thank you.


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February 12, 2008


Danielle E. Rutter
  The laws actually vary drastically from state to state... but that sounds very unlikely to me. I recommend you talk to an accountant to find out for sure, though.

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February 12, 2008

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Contact Crystal Berryman (BP member) and ask her. She has a photography business in Worland.

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February 12, 2008


Amanda M. Freese
  Of course I guess depending on the size and exact type of your business it would just be a sole proprietorship business. Of course like mentioned above this information varies state by state ..

You'll have to purchase a business license most likely and you'll be able to ask these questions in that city office. You may also want to reserve your business name as well at that time.

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February 27, 2008


Debby A. Tabb
  Another place to get countless hours of small business counciling free of charge is SCORE, here is the link:

I hope this helps,

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February 28, 2008


Brooke M. Lewis
  I have an LLC in Wisconsin and I know that travel expenses, etc are all deductible. I would doubt they would be that different in Wyoming. Contact an accountant - you should be able to get an initial consultation free to get a few questions answered. I also recommend SCORE as the above people did. They have a wealth of knowledge, but the won't typically give much tax or legal advice. Good luck with the new business!

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March 12, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  You can only write expenses off of income, so maybe that's what you heard. No income, no write off.

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March 12, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Hi, Luca. I don't want to burst any bubbles here but one thing bears consideration. Travel photography may be your own personal bread and butter but it may take more to get in the proverbial door. Don't limit yourself just starting up. Advertise that you specialize in travel images but when someone asks you would you shoot so and so and it ain't travel, your answer should be a resounding yes. More than likely there are already established travel photographers in you area or else there aren't many clients in your area and travel photography is but just one of many possible areas at which to earn a photographic income. Fins a niche, a local demand that you can earn a name for yourself and then begin to build the travel clientele.

As to corporation type, check with your local state agency that handles small business assistance. Here in Delaware we have a State Small Business Association that has just the info that you seek and would be you best source for how to get started. All you need is two things. The drive (you got it). And a good solid foundation (customers, finances, workflow, etc.).

Good luck in your ventures. Knock'em dead.


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March 14, 2008


Luca Diana
  Thank you very much everybody for all your bits of very useful information.


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May 13, 2008

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