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Photography Question 

Will Wohler

Indoor portraits with harp.

Well a friend of mine has asked me to take some photos of her and her harp. This is something that I have wanted to do for a while and have some ideas but could use some more ideas as far as backdrops and lighting and posing with the harp. This will be done at her apartment in town and I will have natural light from windows coming in but think I will bring a floor lamp or something for extra light. I can't afford anything right as my budget is tight so getting any supplies is out of the question unfortunately . I will try to use a solid colored sheet or something for a background. but don't really know what else to do. She is also asian if that makes a difference. PLEASE GIVE ME ANY INSIGHT!!!

Thanks in advance!

P.S. I will be asking for payment for the shoot!

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February 05, 2008


Pete H

Just kidding Will.

Above all, use manual white blance. Your D-50 has this option.

If you can avoid using the floor lamp; avoid it!

1) Get your subject as close to the window as you can.

2) There won't be as much light as you think.
Shoot at ISO 400, have her hold as still as possible and shoot.

3) Buy a piece of white foam core at any art store. The size is something like 20" x 30" or so. Have a friend hold the white board opposite the window. The idea is to "bounce" some light onto your subject opposite from the window light.

You as a photographer should always have options Will. I'd probably shoot this outside if I only had a camera. Hang a white sheet behind your subject; but not too close so as to avoid shadows.

all the best,


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February 05, 2008


Will Wohler
  Thanks Pete! I do have a small reflector that I will be bringing. Thanks for the set up shot as well. It really helps.


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February 06, 2008


Samuel Smith
  what look does she want?pete,who I admire,leaves out the long drawn out shadows.the size of the windows and time of day?what side are the windows on?facing?color of the walls?ceiling height and color?will you need fill flash?i agre with the 400 iso because of movement.yet the variables.

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February 06, 2008


Will Wohler
  Thanks Sam, I don't think I will get a chance to see the space before the shoot so I really don't know what I will have available to me. I'm really looking for ways to deal with unfavorable circumstances incase I need to change my thought process once I get there.

Thanks again!

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February 07, 2008


Jessica A. Eiss
  lucky you! I'd love to have that chance. Make sure she wears a beautiful dress or formal attire.

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February 26, 2008


Samuel Smith
  so jess,
you have researched this?so next it's a wedding?
wavy hair and gee the glistening look.
oh gee,from your gallery I view poses.backdrops?i am ok with you want a challenge.yet,you didn't address the animal or the question.
sweats won't work?
view this with a bit of humor,the real intent.not last dog where near an assualt.boy that reflector.

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February 26, 2008


Jessica A. Eiss
  Sam, I haven't been on here in a long time, that gallery hasn't been updated in an even longer time!

Notice I didn't give any advice other than clothing choices....which would have been my preference, as something elegant. no I don't think sweats would work. Sure the tall windows and beautiful shadows sound wonderful.

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February 27, 2008


Samuel Smith
  thank you for taking that with a bit of humor jess,many thanks and from your words not offended.
ok,gee jess I got a chuckle out of your idea she wear something nice.yeah the little wear sweats shot at you.i did.the red green look won't work.a harp not a banjo.
you took this very well and my jab at your gallery wasn't meant to offend,just a way meant to be a judgement.
the color of the light which enters the room,none of us know.size of the windows,nope.color of the walls?
ah derek,sam

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February 27, 2008


Will Wohler
  Well the shoot didn't happen :(... but thanks for all of the comments about it! I knew there was a lot to think about but hadn't thought about some of the things mentioned, so thank you!

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February 28, 2008


Jessica A. Eiss
  Will, that's too bad, but maybe another time? I know when things fall through, they can be disappointing.

Sam, I'll be honest, and had written something totally different before to you, but erased it and started over!

Maybe I'll change my gallery pics out, and update it, but I did post my website if you want to look at that. Not a big deal looking back.

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February 28, 2008


Samuel Smith
  i guess I have a link,and to not look would be a diservice to my self.yet with prejudice.
even without reflectors and decent light,someone else is in the room?
let's back up.with the use of aperture no backdrops are you said,the windows,time of day.shadows can insinuate it's a south facing window?
sometimes it's hard to answer.early morning,shadows,east window.then later?

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March 01, 2008

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