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Photography Question 

Nathan Clarke

Max size prints provia/velvia

I have a number of images on Provia & Velvia & wondered what the max size high quality(saleable) prints I could make from these. I am looking at scanning them to VERY high res 150mb+ files, but wondered what the limitations of the film are ? Would like to produce A2 & A1 prints if possible. Its expensive to scan at such high res ,so I only wanted to scan each slide when some one wants to buy it, needed to know what size prints to offer before hand ! All were shot on solid mafrotto tripod, only limitations to print would be film grain & limitations of scan. Any advice would be great . thanks Nathan

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February 04, 2008


Bob Cammarata
  Depending upon your lenses and technique (which I assume are good), Provia 100 will enlarge extremely well to 11X14, very well to 16X20, and decent to marginal beyond that.

I've never made prints from Velvia though.

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February 04, 2008


John P. Sandstedt
  Scan your slides to a more practical resolution. You can get a fine 13X19 print from 20 MB files.

Bob's absolutely correct, especially if you're using Velvia 50.

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February 04, 2008 - Donald R. Curry

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Donald R. Curry
Donald R. Curry's Gallery
  I have printed many 13 x 19 prints from scanned Velvia 100. I have been very pleased with this size. As long as you use a quality scanner and the original photo is of good quality you should have no problem.

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February 04, 2008


Nathan Clarke
  Great thanks . So is it overkill to scan them to 100mb+ files each slide? Even at the studio they said best to scan them as big as possible so have high quality scan if neccesary.

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February 05, 2008 - Donald R. Curry

BetterPhoto Member
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Donald R. Curry's Gallery

I always used the largest size my scanner would produce. There may be others on here more qualified to answer this question. As long as you have plenty of computer memory I don't see the down side. I do my own printing as well, so I don't have to send them out to be printed.

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February 06, 2008

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