BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Karen l. Monte


I am really wanting to go all the way with my business and I am interested in starting my own website. Does anyone have any ideas where to start with this. I shoot portrait and nature. I am interested in selling my work, and getting more business. I want to be able to show it but I do not want someone to be able to take the pictures from the site. Any ideas??

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February 03, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  What's wrong with a BP custom site? As far as preventing image theft, from what I understand that's pretty much impossible these days other than posting extremely low resolution images and even then, it's not a cure all. That's a main reason why I don't want to put my best stuff online. Rather, I have traveling portfolios of prints and tear sheets that I still send out to prospective clients. They fit in a Lightware portfolio that goes in a small Fedex box. When I have someone who seems really serious about wanting to see my work, that's what they receive along with an airbill to send it back. A tad old-fashioned to be sure but nonetheless it works quite well for me.
Take it light ;>)

Take it light.

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February 03, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Karen, I agree with Mark about using the BP site. I have a couple of friends that have their own servers and could build my own site for a very reasonable price, but I like the simplicity of using the Better Photo site and chose to go this way instead. They give you a lot of flexibility to configure the pages how you want them and the option to add a paypal account to handle sales.
Personally, I spend way too much time on the computer with my photography as it is and the website makes my life easier. Take a look at their samples and others sites and see is anything tickles your fancy.

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February 03, 2008

- Linda D. Lester

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Linda D. Lester
Linda D. Lester's Gallery
  I love my website now with the wonderful slide shows and music. I can't just sit and relax. It is fun to show off too. I think it doesn't matter where you put them if someone wants them they will help themselves. I just makes sure my copyright and name is on my shots now.

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February 03, 2008

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