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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Christine Zipps

Identity Security for Photos of Child

Like most grandparents, I am the proud grandmom of a most adorble toddler. I have taken many photos of her that I think are very special and have them posted in my gallery.
I have chatted with her mom about whether she would be comfortable signing a release for me to use her images in developing a line of greeting cards. She said that she is "a little uncomfortable about her image getting too well known". I want to do what's right by her and sure don't want to talk her into something she isn't comfortable with, but am wondering myself how secure she can feel that in this process her daughter's identity/location, etc. won't need to be disclosed?
Would appreciate any insights into this process anyone would care to share.
Many thanks,


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January 25, 2008

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