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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Shannon Isley

Wedding Pictures on CD

I have a bride reqesting all of the wedding images on a CD to do with as she wishes. How have others handled / charged for this?


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January 14, 2008


Pete H
  Are you planning or counting on re-print business?

If not; who cares?..Give them the CD.


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January 14, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  Is this a fact, Pete? Or simply your opinion? In the years I've been shooting weddings, providing the CD has no impact on sales of reprints. This is always a gut reaction to something that simply is not fact, based on my real sales volume.

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January 14, 2008


Pete H
  Not really sure Jerry?

I no longer shoot weddings..when I did, it was a rare case that I provided the negs to my clients. I would often get repeat sales in reprint requests.

So perhaps in the digital age of wedding shoots you are correct.

Based on my "real sales volume" which is almost entirely commercial now, I rarely will give or sell the master image.

If I were in the business of wedding photography today, I would indeed give my clients the DVD or CD...Just makes for good PR..and there is sooo much work available to wedding shooters...seems everybody and their uncle will try to shoot the wedding anyway. LOL


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January 14, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Assuming that you have done a wedding or two, Shannon, you should have an idea of the volume of print sales you generally make on a wedding. If I were to be aproached about this, I would offer them the CD's and charge a 'promise' fee that can be waved in lieu of a subsequent print order of equal or greater value (excluding album prints, of course) to be taken from the value of the order at the time of the order. This way you are guarenteed a certain amount for related print sales, regardless. If they decide to pass up on the CD thing, you might not charge a promise fee as they will be getting prints from you in any event. Myself (I shoot film) I offer the proof album with proof prints for an additional $199.00 and I keep the negatives and all reproduction rights NO MATTER WHAT. Just something to chew on. Good luck.


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January 14, 2008


John P. Sandstedt
  It's their wedding.

If you properly charged in the first place, give them the CD.

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January 14, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  "Is this a fact, Pete? Or simply your opinion? In the years I've been shooting weddings, providing the CD has no impact on sales of reprints."

That due to the people not knowing about printing pictures so they come to you, or from the size of the images that are on the cd?

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January 14, 2008


Pete H
  Thanks Greg,

Good point!

Digital photos on a DVD or CD are NOT formatted for printing. Giving them the media and then they go to the drug store to print on crappy paper AND have to deal with cropping decisions..They might wonder WHAT the photographer was thinking.

If I had to FORMAT the photos for a reprint DVD for the client?..I would charge them a ton!

4x6 folder X 300-500 images
5x7 folder "" ""
8x10 folder "" ""

Ya' gotta be kidding!

So ya, they will probably come back to the photog and ask "hey, why won't these print well?" LOL
..and now you have to deal with a wedding client that has a (perception) that you were "sneaky!"

all the best,


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January 14, 2008


Pete H
  Thanks Greg,

Good point!

Digital photos on a DVD or CD are NOT formatted for printing. Giving them the media and then they go to the drug store to print on crappy paper AND have to deal with cropping decisions..They might wonder WHAT the photographer was thinking.

If I had to FORMAT the photos for a reprint DVD for the client?..I would charge them a ton!

4x6 folder X 300-500 images
5x7 folder "" ""
8x10 folder "" ""

Ya' gotta be kidding!

So ya, they will probably come back to the photog and ask "hey, why won't these print well?" LOL
..and now you have to deal with a wedding client that has a (perception) that you were "sneaky!"

all the best,


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January 14, 2008


Pete H
  Thanks Greg,

Good point!

Digital photos on a DVD or CD are NOT formatted for printing. Giving them the media and then they go to the drug store to print on crappy paper AND have to deal with cropping decisions..They might wonder WHAT the photographer was thinking.

If I had to FORMAT the photos for a reprint DVD for the client?..I would charge them a ton!

4x6 folder X 300-500 images
5x7 folder "" ""
8x10 folder "" ""

Ya' gotta be kidding!

So ya, they will probably come back to the photog and ask "hey, why won't these print well?" LOL
..and now you have to deal with a wedding client that has a (perception) that you were "sneaky!"

all the best,


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January 14, 2008


Jerry Frazier

I only give files to wedding clients. Not to portrait clients or commercial clients. Weddings have just gone that way, and there's no putting the cat back into the bag. However, for a whole list of issues with providing the CD, I just think that for many people, it's easier to call the photog and get prints than it is to sort through the images, organize, and do whatever needs to be done.

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January 15, 2008


Shannon Isley
  Pete, do you do any editing to the files before handing them over? Is the price of the CD included in what you charge up front?
Thanks everyone!

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January 15, 2008


Jerry Frazier

I shoot RAW, so yes, there is editing involved. Basic color adj, density, BW conversions, and contrast. I charge for the DVD of images up front in my fee.

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January 15, 2008


Pete H

as I mentioned; I no longer shoot weddings..when I did, digital had not yet come of age. At that time, I did NOT hand over the medium format negs.
I only shoot commercial now and some portraiture, I NEVER give the client the master images (digital or neg) unless they want them bad enough..(i.e) $$$$$

I can tell you this..I DID have a commercial client request FULL rights to the master images once. I sold them and did not have to work for almost a year! LOL

Today, IF..IF I shot a wedding and the client wanted a CD or DVD of "ALL" the images, adjusted AND formatted for printing, it would probably be prohibitive in cost to them.
Each of us has to place a value on our time..anyone who is proficient in image editing should be paid well.

The standard APS sensors are close in aspect ratio in 4x6 only...5x7 and 8x10 are obviously a new ball game.
It's a lot of work.

What to charge?..Whatever YOUR market will allow.


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January 15, 2008

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