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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Michael Guarnieri

Selling Photo's to a Music band

I music group recently contacted me and was interested in using one of my photo's on their new album. I'm not sure how big they are, although I wouldn't say world famous. However this would be my first sale/contract. I'm not sure how to set it up or at least things I need to think about. Please help. Thank you.

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January 10, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  Hi Michael,

What is the planned distribution of the album?

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January 11, 2008


Michael Guarnieri
  I believe after further inquest that it is more of a popular band for the area of Madison, Wisconsin. Obviously they are planning to expand further, but initially I think it will be that area.

Would I be able to write up a contract in a sense of possibly...exclusive, unlimited use, however should the album be re-released nationally, then we would re-negotiate a contract? If so do you know how to word something like that?

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January 11, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  I'd have a lawyer draw up the papers for that.

Your use fees should probably be determined based on fotoquote, or some other such information. Usually, you base the fees on the type of use and distribution of the image. The number is probably much higher than they are willing to spend.

I would guess, this is a wild guess, the number would be around $50k or more for their use fees. I can look it up for you next week.

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January 12, 2008

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