BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Randall & Kay Branham

Can I sell photo taken at a ballgame

If I take images of players at baseball and or basketball games can I sell them to the public, with out their permission.

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January 03, 2008


Raymond H. Kemp
  Your question is very vague to venture any kind of reasonable help.

Your best bet is to invest in some books on the subject. Bert P. Krages' "Legal Handbook for Photographers" is a good start, as well as Leonard D. Duboff's "The Law for Photographers". And there is Carolyn Wright's site, She also has a book that can be purchased from her site. All are practicing lawyers.

After you digest some of the book material, if you are still concerned as to your photographic legalities, then you should consult an attorney. Try to get one that practices privacy law.

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January 03, 2008


Randall & Kay Branham
  Thanks Raymond ,I'll do that. Thats what I was looking for.

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January 04, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Mark answered a question similar to this once so I'll take a stab at it this time. NO, if the players are under contract to professional teams or organizations you could have serious trademark infringements on your hands. I would, rather than trying to get permission to sell the photos on your own, try selling the rights for them to the team or the players outright. If they go for it, you're set. If they don't bite, well you might be stuck unless you're willing to risk it. At least you'll have some great images for your personal portfolio. Look into it with the teams, organizations involved to be sure. Have fun.

Thank you

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January 07, 2008


Randall & Kay Branham
  Thanks Chris
I'll try that

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January 08, 2008

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