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Photography Question 


Night Club Photography

My boyfriend wants to start taking pictures of people in night clubs to post on a web site and allow people to purchase the pictures. He has requested some equipment for this for Christmas, but I have no idea what he needs.

He mentioned that he needed some kind of "handle" for his camera and some sort of flash. I am sure this is specific to the type of camera that he has, but I am not sure of that.

If someone could just give me a general idea of what he will need, I would really appreciate it.

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December 03, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  First, it sounds like he needs a legal handle on what he's planning on doing. That would include a big pile of model releases, property releases from the club owners (verbal won't cut it) and/or a good attorney to defend him against invasion of privacy suits and possibly civil actions for misappropriation of likeness for commercial usage, etc. etc.

Failing to get that part of it nailed down may obviate the need for the equipment you mentioned although depending on his shooting style, he may need a flash bracket thingy, a light modifier like an umbrella or softbox, depends on the camera he's using and the type of lighting he has.

Take it light ;>)

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December 03, 2007


Samuel Smith
  welcome meghan,
anyway i'm sure he has a contract with the club.exclusive rights with the ownership.
c'mon mark,i'm sure this club has signs posted that clearly states ..
ok,well at least the ticket to get in says.
meghan,your boyfriend can take photos.all he wants,for personal use.done.but other than editorial use,re-read mark's post.
a stitch in time.

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December 03, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Thanks Sam, but the question says published on the net and "purchase" which means commercial use. Some clubs do the disclaimer, others don't. Depends on the state privacy laws where the club is located. One way or the other and depending on the person(s) being photographed, that kind of a gig may require combat pay without pre consent.

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December 04, 2007


Jerry Frazier
  I'd like to see a club let him in the door with his rig.

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December 04, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I've seen a few web businesses that do this. They hire somebody to go to night clubs to get pictures of the crowd. The people get to see themselves and maybe buy a picture and the club is promoted.

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December 04, 2007



Seems like you are more in the loop in regards to what I am talking about. This is not some new crazy thing that my boyfriend is trying to do. It is already being done at night clubs all over the place. People come up, ask to take your picture, and then give you a business card where the pictures are going to be posted. So rather then trying to make me sound like I have no idea what I am talking about, how about someone trying to answer my question in regards to equipment.

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December 04, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  I thought I was pretty clear Meghan, when I specifically said:

"...depending on his shooting style, he may need a flash bracket thingy, a light modifier like an umbrella or softbox, depends on the camera he's using and the type of lighting he has."

In other words, the answer to your original question largely depends on what kind of equipment he has now and his shooting style and how he intends to shoot at these venues.
Get the picture?

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December 04, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  It's call a flash bracket. Although he also may have meant whats called a power grip since he said handle. On digital cameras it's called a power grip because inside it has extra batteries.
And maybe he might want a light modifier to soften the light. One that attaches to the flash head.
But get him to clarify what he wants. A flash like the sunpak555 is made as a flash/bracket as apposed to a separately made bracket. It doubles as a handle and makes it an easy way of carrying around the camera.

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December 04, 2007


  Thanks Gregory.

Where do you suggest I look for the Sunpak 555 online? Is it possible that he may want the flash bracket and a power grip? Would this make any sense to you. I am trying to do this without asking him so that it is a surprise. I figure if I am totally wrong, he can always return it and get what he needs and at least I can say that I put some thought and research into the gift.

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December 04, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  A power grip would be specific to his type of camera, a flash bracket wouldn't.
You can look at the Sunpak or a flash bracket online at Adorama, Calumet, or B&H.
You don't have to tell him you're going to get him one, just ask him why he would need it. If he says so he doesn't have to change batteries, you'll know what he meant.

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December 04, 2007


Samuel Smith
  wait, a person walks in the club with all this camera equipment and is let to freely take pics and make money from them without prior consent?no,the owner doesn't get a cut,copies to pomote their buiness?me think'en dream state.
you need to get him a get out of legal hassle card.ain't cheap.
geez greg,you want her to buy a candle to burn rome your a father figure,supporter?seems not like you.
this should not have gone this far.

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December 05, 2007

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Well wake up from your dream because a lot of clubs do this.
It's the clubs that want this done, it's not somebody who decides to pick a club and go in. Maybe that's what's confusing you.

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December 06, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Sam, haven't you ever heard of a "drive-by clubbing"? It's a common thingy found every day around the neighborhood.

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December 06, 2007


Samuel Smith
  boy do I really want this mention of who's buying?
the person in the background,who has already said they weren't there.permission not given?so they signed a waiver upon entry?it's an ongoing fact that this is this clubs practice or policy?
even in a public place the rights to privacy still apply.
I can't wake from my dream until the legal system first decides I was in a dream,deluded or duped,mesmerized.then my culpability must be discerened.
the no harm no foul rule doesn't apply,only the rights of individuals.
maybe I missed a transition of personal rights?
I do not mind being wrong..

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December 06, 2007

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