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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Stephanie D. Moon

Local art leagues or groups

I am considering joining a local art league that has exhibits a couple times a year. I was wondering if any of you are a member of such a group and what your experience with it is. Do you think it is worth it? It is only $20 but still.

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November 22, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  If you are apprehensive, ask to attend a function to see what they are all about. It's a good way to scout them out without putting out if you don't want to. If they say no, go with your gut, I guess. This is a hard thing to say for me because, personally I don't want to join a camera club locally. I like flying on my own. Just a couple of thoughts. Happy Thanksgiving.


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November 22, 2007


Samuel Smith
  as I like chris's take on this and agree with it,since you seem not to want to participate here and kinda pay attention and you want to center all your shots,a one on one might be to your best interest.
if you can't attend,as chris mentioned free,to evaluate?then no.
then again you leave us in the dark on this local art league?

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November 23, 2007

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