BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Steve McCroskey

How to Quote a Pricing List

I have been asked by several people to take pictures at various events. What is the usual protocol as in developing a pricing list?

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July 23, 2004


John A. Lind
There isn't a "protocol." You need to build a "business case" that captures ALL of your costs for doing these types of things .... tangible costs (film, developing, etc.), intangible costs (cost of driving your auto to/from event, etc.) and the value of the time you will spend not only at the event, but doing all the "back end" post-processing work afterward. If you have accurately captured the tangible and intangible costs, what you have left afterward is your profit ... the value of your time spent doing the work.

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July 24, 2004


James E. Siler
  Steve, There is an excellent article in the October 2003 issue of ShutterBug Magezine. It tells how to and how much to bill your clients. You can view this at Look at the past issues and see October 2003. The name of the article is Time, Expense and Experience, How to bill for your work.
Good Luck.

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July 29, 2004

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