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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Paula Schoenwether

printing digital

Looking for on line lab to print photos for customers. also looking for on line lab to print notecards, etc. thanks

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July 16, 2004


John Wright
  I really like MPIX and would suggest that you check them out...

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July 16, 2004


Gil Batzri
  Have a look at both and I know a few folks that use them.

I am assuming you are looking for something that will allow customers to browse a gallery and place an order that the "lab" would then fulfil and ship to your client, sending you a portion of the total (50-90%). If you just need prints, that might be a different story...

good luck!

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July 16, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  I use for the prints I need. I'm not selling to anyone, but their 8 x 10's are quite inexpensive (under $3 Canadian including shipping) and have been great for hanging in my house. I'd love to know where to get notecards printed...What about other items like mouse pads, mugs, etc...?

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July 17, 2004


Grace Photography
  Try (Kodak)or (Fuji) - both print mugs, cards, prints, mouse pads... everything. Both have decent prices in my opinion and pretty fast service.

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July 17, 2004


Steve McCroskey
  Hi Paula!
On the subject of notecards, try
They sell notecards in which you can mount your prints themselves. The card themes cover everything from holidays to seasons of the year,greeting cards,birthdays,etc.
Request a catalog and they will include a sample card!

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July 17, 2004


dennis w. mcclain
good prices, good prints.
they are always running a sale

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September 03, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Just an update - I've used Shutterfly now for several things and really like them! I've made a photobook which is just gorgeous and very affordable. I've done prints of all sizes and tried a snapbook also...

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September 03, 2004

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