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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

When to sell?

Hi! I am fairly new to photography as I just got my first camera not that long ago. I was wondering what people think about some of my pictures? Are they good enough to attempt to market? Any response, advice, and/or critism will be greatly appreciated.


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July 15, 2004


Wing Wong
  Hi Brittney,

Well, I like the landscape/river and the bw of the boots. The first pic with the two rusted drums seems a bit... off. The rainbow flare at the top distracts more than adds to the picture.

The boot and the river photograph would do well as hanging art or as stock photography.

If you were thinking of selling art at an art festival or maybe doing online gallery sales, I would say that you will have the most luck with images like the boot one and followed by the river landscape.

Wing Wong

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July 16, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Hi Brittany,
I agree with Wing's assessment that of your three sample photos, the boot photo would have the most potential for its simplicity of design, and creative use of light and shadow.
I feel that the river landscape is nice, but needs something in the foreground. A single bright colored flower, or some other point of interest to draw the viewer into the scene, would improve this lovely scenic dramatically.
You may also want to consider asking a friend or loved one to accompany you when shooting scenics and have them pose for you while admiring a sunset or other scenic vista. As far as marketability, a shot with human involvement is usually more salable.

Best of luck, and keep shooting.

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July 16, 2004


Nancy Grace Chen
  I hope you don't find my comments discouraging, but I do tell it like it is. A career in photography is NOT easy. To do stock photography, you really need to build up a large database of exceptional images. It's not just something you can do on weekends and achieve in a year or two. It takes lots of time, dedication, and perserverence. You may be able to build up to that level, but right now you need more experience. Learn the technicals of photography. Enter into contests and see if you get any winners-- that's a good gauge of what others think of your photos. Get critiqued, and read books. Good luck.


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July 17, 2004

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