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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

photo assinments

how do you get a pass to be a photograph at sporting events?

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July 11, 2004


John A. Lind
  Are you doing this in an "official" capacity for one of the teams or for the place where the event is being held? If so, whoever you're shooting for should get you a pass. If it's for a newspaper or magazine, they (their editor) should get you one or tell you who to contact for one . . . and provide you with the credentials to verify you're shooting for them when you ask for the pass.

If it's for your own personal photographs, good luck! OTOH, if you don't ask, you won't get one, but don't get your hopes up. Contact whoever owns the location where the event is being held . . . if it's a school, start with their athletic department. *DON'T* try to bluff your way into getting a pass . . . you could end up with a free set of steel bracelets and free food and lodging at the local gray-bar hotel for a while. Security around sporting events is that tight now. For pro events where I live, photographer press passes are given out by lottery! That's how many are requested, and they *cannot* accommodate all the requests for them.

-- John Lind

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July 11, 2004


Wing Wong
  Hi Karl,

It depends on the event. Most events will have a "press pass" policy. Since each are different, it is hard to comment.

Some of the events (non-sports) I go to only require that you are representing a publication(print or online) regarding the topic. With some proof, they will issue you a press pass.

THere are some companies online which will issue you a press-pass in their name so you can attend these events, but they also expect you to give them a set of your photos. Ie, you are taking photos for them at the event.

Wing Wong

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July 16, 2004

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