BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Michael Brown

Copyright info & submitting forms.

From "ep", Editorial Photographers website, there is a ton of information on there for everyone to read on copyrights and submitting. (Plus some other neat stuff!)

Move down the left hand side until you see "Copyright", click there and you will see lots of info on this subject.

There is also a form in pdf format you can download with instructions for submitting.

Some of this may be a eye opener for you, and is something everyone should read up on if you ever want to get into photography as a business.

I have yet to find exactly how many images you can submit "as a collection of your work", but it still looks like you can submit 500 images as a collection for the $30 fee .......... which is excellent!

Hope this helps a bit,

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July 09, 2004

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