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Category: Photography Careers and Making Money

Photography Question 

Timothy S. Bell

What am I doing wrong?

can any one tell me what i'm doing wrong with my photography buisness? I sent out card and got a web site but still can't attract any cliant's i'v spent 100's of dollars on lights and backdrops and i'v yet have not made any money

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July 09, 2004


Kim Acheson
  Well I have found that the market where I am is so bad right now that basicly no one is looking for photography. We also have a lot of photographers in the area some of them going out of business.

I do know photographers who are starting to make some real money doing photography (wedding, graduation, famly) but everyone I know tells me that to expect it to take 3-5 years to really get something going. Now that is in the market they are in. But it can take a while. Word of mouth is how they get most of there business.

Maybe someone elce has some ideas also. I dont know if I helped any or not.

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July 10, 2004


Timothy S. Bell
  yes you did kim,its bad where i'm at too.i even tryed selling some of my prints at the local flea market with no resuilts had a lot of lookers but no buyeres

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July 10, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  pictures of what? could be you need to take pictures of things the people want to buy pictures of.

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July 10, 2004


Lori Lyman
  Put up flyers at schools with some of your work. Talk to coaches and t-ball leaders to see if they need pictures taken. Be ready with flyers. Put some business cards in bridal shops and trendy boutiques that teens may shop in (teens to get clients for senior pictures). Do some holiday pictures and advertise in local papers. Try to do something unique in your area to draw attention to your work. Give people something to remember you by. Good luck!


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July 13, 2004


  I would suggest taking some pictures of family and friends, just take a lot of photos of different things and create a set of prints that you can use to show others, remember to have some made up in all of the sizes you sell. Make some copies (in different sizes) for your family and friends so that they can show their friends as well and before you know it people will be contacting you. One of the problems is that digital cameras don't cost a lot of money these days so people are taking their own photos, however knowing how to work your camera and having prints to show this will get you work. Photographing kids playing soccer is something parents do a lot of, however if you can get great action shots where the action was STOPPED and the picture is really crisp will get you a lot of interest as most parents do not know how to do this with their camera. Go outside the limits of the everyday camera, take photos of people/things that will open their eyes.

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July 13, 2004


Timothy S. Bell
  thanks for the advice.I'll look into the soccer games,as far as the flyers Ido have some up at the local flower shops as well as buisness cards.once again thanks....Tim

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July 13, 2004


Nick Milton
  hye tim,hang in there,I was about to give up,in the same situation as you,I do sports soccer rugby etc etc,And bingo,within 3 days I got a team job for 18 netball teams(180 pics)2 rugby teams(40 pics)and a surfing job,and a beach babe model wants a portfolio!!!!
couldnt believe it,it will probably dry up when doen,but its given me faith to hang on and keep going.

nic milton.

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July 15, 2004


Timothy S. Bell
  thanx nic,i'm hanging in there.sounds like your one of the lucky ones who live near a beach good luck on your model nephew found me a web site that i'd like to shair with all of you its looked into it and the prices arnt too bad...Tim

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July 15, 2004


Wing Wong

Out of curiosity, where is your website? Ie, your online gallery?

Luxuries are the first to go in a weak economy. -_-;; Unfortunately, photography is included in the luxuries.

I've been to It's a nice gallery site for people who are interested in looking at other peoples' galleries and images.

For online advertisement, you typically want to be able to get people to come to your site with the intention of buying or acquiring your services. This means having a website that is relevant and searchable. If your webpage comes up on the first page of a search at Google or some other search engine when someone searches for photographer, then you will get some views at your site. But if not, then the website is kind of like an unlisted phone number.

I'd like to see your site. Email me if you don't feel like posting it up.

Wing Wong

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July 16, 2004


Timothy S. Bell
  hi wing the web site is,my nephew told me about it looks good andi'm going to get my membership going there too, sence I put this thread in here I got some photos om for sale the link below ''news'' will take you there...thanx tim

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July 16, 2004


Wing Wong
  Hi Tim,

Wow, cool site. A good sample of pictures of your work!

Some thoughts:

- Images, add a black border. Add "border=1" to the img statements in your HTML, that will add a 1 pixel border around your images. Gives them a cleaner look. If you want, you can checkout a large collection of pics I took for a school Kayaking trip at:

(Btw, some of my pictures suffer similar issues as the ones I describe below. ^_-)

- Cropping, resizing, and adjustment of images.

I noticed that some of the images had a white edge to one side. In particular, the Eagle and the bridge. Those leave the image looking less clean. Cropping those edges out and leaving the image with a clean border will give a strong image presentation.

The resizing of some of the image look like they have been "squished" in one dimension. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, but it is a noticeable amount of distortion. This would be the car with the open hood, the rocker, and the children sport team.

One or two images had a slight "cloudy whiteness" to them like they were slightly over exposed... not sure how to describe it. In particular, the picture of the dog. Has a scanned photograph look to them, I think.

I like the woven border and backgrounds. :) Quite nice. Are you getting much contact through the webform and email address? Not sure if it will help, but you can try listing yourself at and perhaps using the add-url feature at

Wing Wong

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July 16, 2004


Wing Wong
  Oh! Your photos at look great! Sorry, I posted the above before I followed the link to the site.

Wing Wong

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July 16, 2004

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