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Photography Question 

David A. Bello

Lifestyle Photography

What exactly is Lifestyle Photography? I have heard this term a few times with no definite answer. Does the difinition differ from one person to the next, or is it more specific?

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October 23, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi David,

Lifestyle is defined as “a way of life”. Most of us exist in a style based on our pocketbook. Millionaires live in expensive surrounds, travel extensively and party. Baggers live in squalor, rarely travel and attend parties at the Salvation Army shelter. Now photography is a vast field, it envelopes explanation of space and the world of microbes, images of nature, and people shots and much much more. Photographers that engage in people shots usually want to get paid. The carriage trade is high society with big bucks; however, the majority of assignments stem from more moderate sources i.e. the general public. If you were to undertake a photo essay on the poor, you would be a lifestyle photographer. If you did a photo essay on the rich and famous, you would be a lifestyle photographer. I guess every photographer who images people works in a lifestyle arena. You can switch hit and change your setting any time.

Alan Marcus

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October 24, 2008


David A. Bello
  Thank you very much. That's very well explained.

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October 24, 2008

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