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Photography Question 

Jesse C. Plummer

PSCS3 and Linux

My Windows XP system crashed. I got it working again under Linux and one of the results was the loss of Photoshop. Before I try installing PSCS3 under Linux and Wine, I was wondering if anyone else has done that and if it was successful or not. I am using Fedora Linux 7.0 Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended.

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September 29, 2008


Karim Abiali
  Hi Jesse

I recently installed CS3 under Ubuntu Linux and wine. It will work fine, except few options that needs to have the .dll copied and configured under wine. Still couldn't figure out which ones. I searching the net but no luck so far.

Good luck

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September 30, 2008


Jesse C. Plummer
  Which options in particular were effected? I am currently using GIMP under Linux and PhotoFiltre under Wine and both pretty much do all I want. I liked PSCS3 because I paid a truckload of cash for it and it was better handling scripts other automated functions. I would kind of like to get back to using one application only.

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September 30, 2008

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