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Photography Question 

Stephanie M. Stevens


Anybody use or even heard of Stuffbak? I've been reading about them and I'm intrigued.

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November 18, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Absolutely !!! This is a traditional occurrence between Christmas and New Years when people participate in the annual "Primal Ritual of Stuffbak". This is essentially males brawling for for parking spaces, abusing their spouses and children while they return and exchange gifts at the local malls.
That's it? Right Steph? Or maybe it's the "Feast of Stuffbak" celebrated on the third Thursday of every November here in the U.S.
Take it light. ;>)

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November 18, 2007


Stephanie M. Stevens
  lol, not exactly! Stuffbak is a company that sells tags and stickers with ID numbers that you attach to your valubles. If you lose something, the person who finds it calls the 800 number or goes to the website listed on the tag, gives the ID to Stuffbak, and they arrange for a pickup or directs the finder to a place where the can drop it off (UPS stores). Then Stuffbak contacts you about it and gives the finder a reward for the return. The idea is that you get your things back without having personal information where anyone can see it or having to go someplace that could be very far away if you're on vacation or something, you don't have to find and meet with strangers, the finder doesn't have to ship anything and gets a small reward. If your phone number or address changes, you can go on their website and change it, rather than changing every tag on everything you own. It could be very convinient for someone like a travelling absent-minded photographer with lots of valuble things that can easily be forgotten somewhere. Thing is, everything I've read about them comes directly from them, I haven't found any third party thoughts on them yet.

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November 18, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Interesting idea but I haven't heard of them. I do think someone should come up with a GPS system for your bags, if they haven't done that already. Much easier than packing my golden retrievers and locating them if my bag doesn't show at the other end. JUST KIDDING FOLKS !!!!

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November 18, 2007

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