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Photography Question 

Brenda D.

copyright question

with all the questions about copyrights and infringements lately, I was wondering....someplaces are offering photo restoration now, they will scan in a professional (or not) photo restore it, then send you a copy of the restored photo, isnt that the same thing as infringement?

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October 18, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  I guess I don't understand your question where it says ". . .photo restoration now,they will scan in a professional (or not) photo...". What's photo restoration now? Some kind of business?

If you're asking whether it's an infringement in the U.S. to restore a photo in someones possession, do the artwork necessary to restore it back to the original state and then make a copy of the repaired print, the answer is "no" if its the property of the person who retained them. All that does essentially is create a bailment of the property between the owner of the photo and the service provider who is responsible for its safe keeping while its in their possession.
Take it light ;>)

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October 18, 2007


Brenda D.
  Hi Mark, sorry I should have worded that better by saying "places are now offering photo restoration services". but anyway... I was just courious. It just seems odd to me that it is an infringement to make a copy of a professional photo, but its not if you have restored it.

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October 19, 2007

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