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Photography Question 

Simon Horswell

Where to shoot

Hi folks.

So here it is:
I'm going to Scotland on friday to drop a van off.
Sounds a bit odd, but needs must.
I'm in Maidstone and I am driving to Edinburgh. I'm going to leave at around midnight so to have all the choice.
I wwant to get a wonderfull landscape shot, preferably a nice lake shot with the mist hanging onto the water as the sun rises.
So to my question.
Does nanyone have any ideas as to a top spot? Bare in mind that I plan to visit these places as and when I can in the future, but I can't not try for that one shot on friday, and to think, I have most of the UK to choose from!

I look forward to youir suggestions!


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October 16, 2007


Samuel Smith
  hey simon,
this is a few days old but i'll jump in.
if your not scared of the dark here goes.
there is no top spot!point of view or perspective is different.your so called top spot could yield less results than the location you choose,it requires a vision,expierence.
it is dependant on conditions,angles, altitude...the sun will rise and offer you a studio.shots can be missed by as much as a few minutes,even a few seconds.your photo could be the next top spot.
will you muff it because you don't know settings or composition?don't know.can you even adjust your camera,point and shoot,slr?
good luck,sam

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October 19, 2007

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