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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Kathy Cobb

Best Photo Labs

I've been using Mpix lab with great results, but am now considering using a professional lab since my business is growing. Do any of you have suggestions for a professional lab? Thanks!

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October 15, 2007


Todd Bennett
  "I've been using Mpix lab with great results, but am now considering using a professional lab"

Hmmmmm! How is Mpix not a professional lab?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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October 15, 2007


Kathy Cobb
  Hi Todd, MPIX is a great lab, but they don't offer some of the services professional labs offer. I don't really need to fix it, just expand it. Thanks for the response.

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October 15, 2007


Todd Bennett
  Your question is somewhat ambiguous in that you ask for recommendations for a professional lab when Mpix is a professional lab and you make no indication in the original post as to what you are really looking for. What other services do you feel you need that Mpix doesn't offer? That might help responders answer your question. Some might concider Costco, CVS, Walgreens, and the likes professional labs. I certainly don't; but, others might.

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October 15, 2007


Christy Freeberg has even more 'options' to utilize..... love them as well!

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October 15, 2007


Christopher A. Vedros
  Mpix's parent company is called Miller's Professional Imaging. Their website is and they have an online form to apply to become a client. They are geared towards high-volume studios.

Chris Vedros

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October 15, 2007

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