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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Joyce Baldassarre

Photoshop CS3

OK, I finally bit the bullet and bought Photoshop CS3 and cannot get it to install on my computer. It says I need to "close internet explorer" (which isn't open to my knowledge) I am using VISTA. HELP I don't want to wait till Monday to contact Tech support (they don't work on the weekends). I want to play with my new software. has anyone else run into this? I could not locate anything on the adobe support page that will help me through this. Any suggestions?

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August 25, 2007


Diane Dupuis
  Try going to the adobe site and searching for your error message. If you have an older version of the beta - you need to do something special... Maybe even google the error message - you may get lucky...

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August 25, 2007

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