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Photography Question 

Ellen Powell

Help with Photo Elements 4.0

I am just beginning to delve into Photo elements 4.0. It's fantastic- just the little I've learned blows me away.

I am making an image using 3 photos stacked on top of each other. I want to be able to mess around with the second photo in the stack make it transparent to allow the bottom layer come through. I want the image in the second layer appear to be like you almost can't see it- almost subliminal. I think I'm looking for "Opacity".

Anyway, if someone can help, I would be very grateful. Thanks.

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August 24, 2007


Brooke M. Lewis
  Hi Ellen.
I am not sure if this will help...I am using Photoshop Elements 5, but I will try. If you have your palette bin open on the side of your photo in the editor screen, be sure your Layers palette is active. If it is not go to Window, then check Layers. Highlight the layer you want to make more opaque, and then there is an opacity slider on the top, right of the layers palette. I know 4 and 5 have a lot of similarities, but I am not sure about this function. Hope this helps. Isn't it fun to play in photoshop...I can do it for hours!

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August 24, 2007

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Ellen, I highly recommend buying a good how to book on Photoshop. I have one by Scott Kelby that is invaluable to me.

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August 25, 2007


Ellen Powell
  Hi Brooke and Dennis,

Thanks, and thanks. I will try to make sense of what you said, Brooke, and Dennis, I do believe I ordered some kind of Photo Shop Elements for Dummies type of book... it was either on that or on the new Rebel I just purchased. This is all a big learning curve! Having fun with it!

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August 25, 2007


Richard Lynch
  Brooke said: "Isn't it fun to play in photoshop...I can do it for hours!"

I agree but count me in for days, months and years. I've been at it for about 16 years now, and I don't see it getting any less interesting.

You say you have 3 photos stacked, and I assume from what you say you already have them in the same image. Yet you talk only about 2, the middle and bottom ones. Is the other one perhaps getting in the way? What is happening with the third image?

Opacity may be what you want, at least in part. You may also need layer masking, selection, layer blending/modes, Blend If, layer clipping, vector masks...My new book on Layers (The Adobe Photoshop Layers Book) talks about all this stuff. It isn't a beginners guide, so it won't coddle a lot, but it may bring you a lot further than a beginner book might.

If you can upload the images here, I can give you more information about technique!

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August 25, 2007


Ellen Powell
Thanks for taking the time, Richard. I ordered and it came today: Photoshop Elements 4 for Dummies. I just realized it might not apply as I use a Mac computer. Hope it does.

Anyway, I do have the 3 photos in the same image. The top one is a shot where one is looking out of a window of a cardboard house made by my neighbor's kids. It has some mardi gras beads in there and the walls are putplr. The middle one, which you can now see out the windows, is a close up of a friend of mine, Bobby, peering in the windows, his eyes appearing huge. The bottom photo, which you can't see yet, is a mass of Black Eyed Susans. The idea is to make Bobby's face so opaque- or somehow see-through, that the Black Eyed Susans show clearly, with Bobby's face (or maybe just his eyes)just barely there, almost unable to be seen.

I used the eraser to get Bobby's face and eyes into the window. There are a few spots of what was on top that I couldn't get off...

This is a project for an unofficial contest happening on 9/16 called Silly Sunday Subliminal Shootout. The idea is to create an image where there is something in the picture that is barely noticeable.

I'll upload 4 photos: all 3 of the separate ones, and then what I have so far in the stack.

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August 25, 2007


Ellen Powell
Ok, the upload didn't work. Trying again

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August 25, 2007


Ellen Powell
Ok, the upload didn't work. Trying again

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August 25, 2007


Ellen Powell
One more time with feeling!

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August 25, 2007


Jayne Martin
  Hi Ellen, I don't really know if this is what you mean, but... you could go into iTunes and click on podcasts and search for photography. There are a lot of very informative tutorials. One you may be interested in is photography 101- scott wittenburg lesson 9 - hope this helps, as it may get you a little closer to what you want to achieve ..also, I subscribe to Adobe photoshop elements killer tips.. happy creating!!!! I have a Mac too (LOVE IT) and PS4

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August 25, 2007


Ellen Powell
  Thanks so much, Jayne. I will check into it.

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August 26, 2007

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