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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Barbara J. Eads

Hi, Has anybody heard of I entered a photo with them and they e-mailed me back telling me that my picture had been selected to get published in their 2005 manuscript. The thing is , they are asking me to buy their book for $59 in order to qualify for the $5,000 grand prize. sounds like a scam to me. anyone who knows about this site let me know.
Barb Eads.

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February 02, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Look at the question and answer about society of photo guys. What ever the title, it's got about 280 responses in it.

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February 02, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Run, don't walk, away from this.
Often, I've had companies (legitimate ones even) that want to use an image in a calendar or as a greeting card, etc., but want me to pay for the process and first edition run. This is not the way you want to do business. My advice -Avoid these.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 03, 2005


Kimberly J. Whipps
  When my photo "won" and was selected to be published, I felt a bit wary as well, so I did a search on the internet and what do you know? There was a multitude of ohter photographers who had also "won" and here's the wierd part...the critique of my photo was the same critique of theirs...word for word. I would definately follow the advise above...RUN - Don't walk away from this.

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February 05, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  I can offer these words of advice to all who will listen:

When someone offers to PAY YOU for publishing your work, then you will know that your photos are worthy of professional praise.
Until that happens,..steer clear of these organizations which require payment of any kind.
They only want your money,...not your talent.

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February 05, 2005


Barbara J. Eads
  Thank you everyone, I thought this sounded like a scam. You just confirmed it.

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February 05, 2005


Robert F. Walker
  Well, I am one who submitted a photograph to a photo contest. I recieved a response that my image had been chosen for publication, Wow, I said. Yes I was published in their coffee table book along with hundreds of other images. I paid them $$ for my own copy of the book so I could show my friends & family that one of my images was published in a book. Call it pride or ego, but I did pay to see my image in their book. Would I do it again...NO.

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February 06, 2005

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