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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Copyrighting Photographs

How can I copyright my pictures?

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February 02, 2005


Jon Close
  In the USA:
You own the copyright to the photograph the moment you snap the shutter. However, the image may contain competing copyrighted images (photo of someone else's artwork, image, architecture, etc.), so you may be limited in how you can utilize it.

While it is not legally necessary, it makes it much easier to enforce your copyright and collect license fees/judgments if you register your work with the U.S. Copyright Office. See for more information.

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February 03, 2005


  Any true professional lab can print your copyright on the back of your prints. Also, I have seen some people use an embosser to stamp a copyright on the front.
Craig Mahaffey

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February 09, 2005

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