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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 


Mounting on foam board

Is there a website, or book that shows the best way to mount photos on foam board and what to use to wrap for protection? Am selling cards/some prints matted and framed here and there, but would like to have pieces that are not framed to possibly use for either web direct sales or art shows in the future. Thank you for your help! Love this site and recommend often to others.

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February 01, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Liz - there's not a whole to know about mounting on foamcore. Most framing stores sell it pre-coated with adhesive, usually in full sheets - 32x40. Some companies will sell it pre-cut, but it will cost you more. Just mount your print, and cut to size. No tricks of the trade here. I would advise using 3/16" rather than 1/8" board.
Note that foamcore is not considered an archival material, but that should not be a problem as long as you're not selling to museums or art collectors. If so, there are better archival ways of mounting.
As far as 'wrapping' or packaging goes, contact Impact Images (online). They sell Crystal Clear bags made for this. I use them to package all my mounted images at Arts & Crafts shows, and just about every photographer does. They come in a gazillion sizes.
Michael H. Cothran

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February 01, 2005

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