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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

uploading an image into Corel Painter IX

I have been trying to get help on what seems like a very easy question, but the CS at Corel will not help. I am interested in purchasing Corel Painter IX and have a trial verson. My main purpose would be to further enhance images (I own a wedding photography business). However, whenever I
upload an image it comes up as a mosaic pattern. How do I upload an image so that it appears in a normal way? Thank you in advance for your solution.

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January 30, 2005


Kip T. Berger
  William, when you say upload, are you referring to uploading to a site like here? Once you have finished working on the photo, save a copy with all layers flattened/merged to one; as a file with the .tif or .jpg extension. Then it will show on site, as it did in the final image you merged. If saving as .jpg, you need to monitor your compression rate..too much compression(low quality setting) will result in pixelation & artifacts.

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January 30, 2005

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