BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Jennifer S


I really want to start my own studio in the near future, and I plan on taking some of the courses that betterphoto provides, but should I have further schooling/training? Should I have a degree or certificate of some sort? What did YOU do? Thanks in advance for any advice!

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January 25, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
I have been a professional photographer for 25 years and I learn something new in photography every day. The education never stops. That is what makes BP so nice is all the information passed around. The online courses are fabulous here and if you can follow the online courses with the hands on, that is the real education. I went to Brooks Institute and as an alum, I am convinced there is no better way to learn. I lived photography 7 days a week for 3 years. What's better? But it costs an arm and a leg. There are lots of schools out there, you need to figure out what you can afford. I do know what you cannot afford, and that is to practice your craft on paying customers. If you take a lousy portrait the word will get around and there goes your business. Take a look at your competetors and see the quality of their work. You have to be as good to take clients away from them. As far as schools, look at the instructors very carefully. Photography schools are full of instrustors who couldn't make it in the profession, so they teach. If you are in awe of the instructors work, you may have found the place to learn. You can also get some great education at various photo workshop programs.

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January 26, 2005

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  >>Photography schools are full of instrustors who couldn't make it in the profession, so they teach.<<

I enjoyed the comment....that's all..:-)


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January 26, 2005


Jennifer S
  Thanks for the input! Do you think that experience and a few courses is enough? I dont plan on starting a business for a few years. I just planned on using that time to take a few courses, meanwhile gaining more experience. Or should I have a degree?

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January 26, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
I have a degree and it makes no difference. But dont confuse that comment as meaning a degree program is a waste of time. I have never had one client that I showed my book to ask if I went to college. the photos are what matters. I do believe that a photo school program at a really good school is the express route to learning the ins and outs. I have over the years researched various schools in case I wanted to teach in my golden years. I found that universities tend to approach photography programs as the art of photography while specialty photo schools teach commercial photography and the business aspects. Now I am sure there are some university programs that would counter what I just said. You asked if I felt a few courses and some experience is enough. My answer is no. I bought a socket set and changed the spark plugs in my car, but that didnt make me an auto mechanic. I dont in any way mean to be condescending, but this is a profession and I have seen many people spend a fortune on equipment and remodel a commercial space, open their photograpy business only to fail. Why? Because they are competing against veterans who have been out there much longer. You have to choose your own path and the more you know the better off you will be. Fortunately, there are so many educational opportunities.

Bob, I am glad you got a kick out of my comment, but man is it true. I had a few instructors that couldnt survive the market who taught when I was in school and my former assistant decided he was going to be pro. I then booted him out of the studio and said go get a proper education. So he chooses a college in western Colorado and when I looked at the instructors and program, all I could do is wish him luck.

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January 26, 2005

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