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Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photography abbreviations

I have a cheat sheet to help me practice different camera settings. The sheet reads;

I can dicpher Fstop @__ and know how to make notes on my filter and lens. But what do the other abbreviations stand for? Which is the speed of film (ISO)?

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January 16, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  So this isn't something you wrote yourself?
Taking a guess, FL-focal length
UE-under exposure
OE-over exposure
Film speed is the sensitvity to light.
Higher speeds require less exposure to light for the picture to come out right.
For a single f/stop, a film with higher speed will literally need a faster shutter speed than a slower speed film for it to be properly exposed.

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January 16, 2005

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