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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

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BetterPhoto Member

Need more informatin about Novoflex bellows

I recently purchased a Novoflex bellows. It says Novoflex-Automatik 1:4.5/135R. This 135mm lens has aperture readings of405, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, and 22. On the lower portion of the lenses where it screws into the belows it has an A and M. I assume that this is automatic and Manual. When you turn it to A the aperture is opened all the way. It has a T-mount so that I can connect my Minolta X-700 to it. My question is does it need a double cable to work? Also, does this work with the P-mode of the X-700? I would appreciate it someone could tell me how to work this bellows lens. I am a novice and don't really understand how to use this lens. I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks

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May 05, 2002

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