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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Compare Macro Lenses

How do I go about comparing Macro lenses?

Should I stick with buying a lens that is the same brand as my camera (Minolta)?

I am interested in nature photography, and I will be using the new macro lens primarily for close-up shots of flowers.

What should I be looking for?


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May 05, 2002


Tracy Smith
  No, you do not have to stick with the same brand for your lens. Sigma and Tamron (and others, I'm sure) make good lenses with Minolta mounts. If you are going to really specialize on close-ups, I would get a dedicated macro lens. I can't recommend a certain kind, because I don't have one yet. However, if you also shoot other kinds of nature shots, you might consider something like the Tamron 75-300mm Macro LD. I recently got one and have been really happy with it. I've also been told by several used camera dealers that they almost never get a used one to sell because people just don't get rid of them.

If you'd like to see a sample of a picture I took with it, stop by my homepage and go into the animals category. There is a shot of a green tree python that I took with that lens. I was about 3-4 feet from the snake, in a fairly dark room, shooting through aquarium glass, no flash. The print itself is quite clear, although I think I could've made a better pic! I would upload the image for this comment, but I am not at home to do this.

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May 07, 2002

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