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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

Tony Peckman

How do I get a warm skin tone in portrait shots?

I am attempting to shoot my daughter's senior portrait, and possibly some others too. I will shoot most of the shots around dusk OR in a shaded area. As most shaded area shots have a slight cool blueish cast, how do I get a more natural warm skin tone on the subject? Suggestions of filters, film, reflectors are all on my mind, so fire away! AND, is there any specific "finish" to ask for or other info. to know before I have them printed by a professional lab?

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May 03, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  There are several options. You can use a warming filter, you can use a gold reflector, and/or instruct the lab to print them with warm skin tones. The last bit of advice is the most critical. If you are shooting neg film (I assume you are) then even if you shoot with a warming filter your lab may print for less warm skin tones unless you tell them what you want.

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May 04, 2002


Tracy Smith
  Another thought...although film won't make you a better or worse photographer, you can use it as a tool to get closer to the outcome you want. I'm definately not an expert on it, but have learned that it can make a difference. Visit a good camera/film store and ask for the best negative film for skin tones. Be prepared to spend a bit more!

On the other hand, if you don't want to spend more...I have gotten pretty good skin tones using Fuji Superia 100 outside in the shade.

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May 07, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  It is true that the film can make a difference. A great film for skin tones is Kodak Portra 160NC. Just be aware that no matter what film you get it is only as good as your lab. If they don't print for the correct skin tones the rest is mute.

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May 08, 2002


Tracy Smith
  Thank you so much, Jeff, for naming that film. I was racking my brain trying to remember yesterday, but for the life of me I couldn't recall it!!!

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May 08, 2002

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