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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How To Take Great Shots Around A Campfire?

I want to take some night shots around a campfire. What speed and aperture should I use? Or should I just set my camera to automatic?

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April 30, 2002


  I would like to know the same thing - I want to take some night shots around a campfire and need to know recommended settings for taking these type of shots using an SLR - HOW LONG TO LEAVE THE SHUTTER OPEN - WHAT APERTURE, ETC.

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August 22, 2004


  If you want silhouette of your subject against the camp fire, meter at the camp fire itself, +1 exposure and bracket from there. If you want your subject to be lighten up by the camp fire, come close and meter at the subject. Then lock in the exposure and bracket from there. You can also use fill flash to add light to your subject. The aperture value depends on the exposure and the depth-of-field effect you want. If you want more depth-of-field, use smaller aperture (larger f number) and vice versa. Hope this helps.

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August 23, 2004

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