BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

Patrick A. Hunton

How to Shoot Silhouettes... PERIOD

How do you take silhouette shots? I have no idea where to start really... I'm just beginner... :)


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April 30, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  There are several techniques for shooting silhouettes. My normal way is to expose for the background. You can do this by metering the sky in that direction (beyond whatever it is you want to silhouette). Or turn around away from your subject and meter the light. The easiest way to do this is to turn your back to the sun (I am assuming the sun is behind the object you want to silhouette) and meter the palm of your hand with the sun (or whatever the light source is) shining on it. From there you can use that as your reading or open up a stop.

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April 30, 2002


Stephanie Adams
  I find the easiest way is to compose your picture, then aim the camera up higher than the object you want silhouetted (and if the sun is still up, aim higher or to the left or right from the sun, do not include sun in metering) and set exposure. Then recompose and release shutter button. I would suggest buying Bryan F. Peterson's book called Understanding Exposure - it talks all about this and is a great beginners book for ideas like this! Good luck!

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May 03, 2002

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