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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 


Grainy Black and White

I would like to take black and white pictures in day time and also at night without a flash. The effect for both has to be on the grainy side. What film do you recommend? Also, what shutter speed and f stop? It has to be a C-41 processing film. Thank you.

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April 22, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  For starters if you need a C41 b&w film you don't have a lot of choices. There's Kodak's T400CN or 400BW and there's Ilford's XP2 and I think that's about it. With a few differences I believe those films are all very similar. If you want grain and you are intent on using one of those films I would suggest finding a lab that can push process C41 film. Pick one of those films and push it a stop and see what results you get.

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April 23, 2002


  Thank you for the quick response - I will try it. Is there a Web site that gives you information on the Zone system by Ansel Adams? Thanks again,

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April 23, 2002


  Hi Carl; Kodak T400CN works for me; as for the zone system there are quite a few; try

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May 07, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Just be aware that the zone system has limited applications with 35mm film (I'm assuming you are using 35mm). Since the zone system covers not only exposure but the development and printing of individual frames it is a little more difficult to use with 35mm film. Unless you shoot the whole roll of film the same you won't be able to pick out individual frames and develop them for the zone system. But the basic concept of placing values in the initial exposure is a valuable skill. (BTW, Ansel Adams didn't invent the zone system. He just popularized it. FYI)

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May 07, 2002

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