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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lighting Gymnastic Team Photos

Greetings, All;

I have an opportunity(?) to do a team photo for my daughter's gym. We're talking about 25 kids or so, plus a couple of coaches. I'm planning to do this with a Fuji S1 Pro, probably using a Nikor 28-105 f3.5-4.5 lens. Other lens suggestions appreciated. The camera will be on a tripod and can be remote released. So I'm concerned about how to light this. I anticipate shooting in the gym using a natural color muslin background. I have access to a Nikon SB28 speedlight as well as two "studio" flashes - 125 watt-seconds each with slave capability and umbrellas. I also have a Polaris flashmeter which I can use to try and quantify some of this mess. Can some brave soul give me some suggestions as to set up my lighting? I'm anticipating putting the team in either three or four rows (knees, sitting, standing) and I figure to get in three or maybe four shots before they get sick of the whole thing - how do I optimise my chances of getting a decent shot? Any guidance appreciated...

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March 10, 2002

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