BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

Doug Vann

Canon 200L 2.8 lens

I just purchased a used Canon 200L 2.8 II USM lens. I received no instruction manual with the lens. There is a small switch on the side of the lens next to the auto/manual switch. The 2 settings on the switch are 1.5-infinity and 3.5-infinity. My question is - what is the purpose of this switch? I have been checking the Internet to find info but have yet to find what I am after. I can also be reached directly at

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March 09, 2002


Ken Pang
  That switch restricts the focusing search range. Because 1.5-3.5m is a slow range to focus, if you know that you're definitely not doing close up work, then by eliminating that range from being searched by the camera, therefore speeding up your focusing speed.

Unless you need to focus in a hurry, just leave it on 1.5-infinity.

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March 09, 2002


Doug Vann
  Ken - Thanks for the response. I have looked all over the Internet looking for the reason for this switch. It seems like a rather strange reason for the switch but sounds like you are familiar with what I was refering to. I will probably go along with your suggestion and leave it on the 1.5 setting. Thanks again for the response......

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March 09, 2002

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