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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Scanned Images Not Sharp

I'm shooting Fuji Velvia film, the slides are sharp under 4x loupe. I had print made from slides... print is also sharp. However, when I scan and post to web, they are slightly to moderately blurred. I scan at 420 x 640 pixels 75dpi. I can't find in the scanner info or the ULead software how to correct the problem. The scanner is Acer SW3300U.
All replies welcomed.

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March 05, 2002


doug Nelson
  I'd scan at the highest pixels-per-inch your Scanwit scanner can do. I think this is a film scanner you have.

Then go into your software (I'm unfamiliar with Ulead) and do any cropping, brightness/contrast and retouch.

Now go to that all-important image sizing screen. If you know you don't need to print the image, do the sizing as you stated above at this point. As you do this, check Resample (or whatever Ulead calls it). You'll see the file size drop like a rock.

After that, save it as a JPEG. Use only enough compression to preserve the color and structural integrity of the image and make a reasonable file size that doesn't gag your service provider.

The hardware industry has done an amazingly bad job of telling us how to use their products. Fortunately, got me started and helped my office out of a bad situation. Check him out and consider buying his book, the best $27 you'll ever spend.

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March 06, 2002


BetterPhoto Member
  Doug, I'm using a flatbed scanner. Thanks for the info. I'll check out

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March 06, 2002


doug Nelson
  Sorry, I assumed a film scanner for some reason. For a flatbed, scan at 300 ppi, 600 if you want an image twice as big. Stay away from those inflated interpolated resolutions scanner makers claim (9600 ppi). You max will be 600 ppi, maybe 1200 for a moderately priced flatbed. All else applies.

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March 10, 2002

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