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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lighthouses at night...

I am using a Canon Elan with a 105mm lense. I was wondering about taking a picture of a lighthouse at night. I tried to photograph the lighthouse,leaving the shutter open for 2 complete revolutions of the light but although the lighthouse and buildings were clear in the photo,the light itself was not very dramatic. I am going for the look of the beams of the light being
visible. Would a polarizer be helpful to reduce the glare of the light?
Any and all suggestions are helpful.

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March 01, 2002


John A. Lind
Uncertain about what specific effect you are looking for, but suspect you would like what is commonly seen in paintings and drawings. A polarizer won't help with the glare issue. If you are looking for a defined "beam" you may have to wait for the proper weather with a light fog that will scatter the beam slightly as it slices through it.

If this is the case, I recommend timing how long it takes to make about 1/4 revolution, set exposure for that, adjust lens aperture and use a different film speed if necessary if you cannot open up the aperture sufficiently for the exposure time. Then time your exposure so that it spans the quarter revolution just as the beam becomes visible from the far side of the lighthouse (presuming there's one beam and not two back-to-back).

This will likely require some experimentation.

-- John

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March 01, 2002

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