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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

shooting a church wedding

I have only taken a few senior portraits using novatron 1500 studio kit and I have just purchased a novatron 400 mono light.I have a mamiya 645af.I have 80mm lense,105-210 zoom,wide angle 45mm.I have a used 5200vivitar dedicated flash that I have never used before.I would like some suggestions on how to set up or what lights to use for a church wedding.Im doing this wedding for free and I made it perfectly clear to them that I have never done a wedding.If I dont do it then they will only have snap shots done by family members.This couple are special to me and I would like to give them descent pics.I know nothing about using a flash on camera.Please help me.

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February 27, 2002


John A. Lind
You didn't state how soon before you do this. The "secret" to doing weddings, aside a few basic, but essential pieces of equipment, is understanding the general sequence of wedding events and *planning* how you will do it with the bride and groom. Included is being flexible to last second changes in the exact sequence of events and other minor changes. Weddings very rarely, if ever, go exactly as originally planned.

See my tutorial about doing just what you've asked about:

With the time you have prior to the event, make use of what you can and tailor what's there to your specific situation. This is a very, very basic "survival" primer. The complete subject of wedding photography for those who do it for a living is enough to fill books (emphasis on plural: books).

Most important, enjoy yourself while doing it. It is hard work, and a long day, but can be fun if you allow it to be.

-- John

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February 28, 2002

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