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Category: How Do I Get that Photographic Technique?

Photography Question 


Shooting in cold weather

After you have been outside for some time on a very cold day, how should you treat your camera and lens when you come back into a warm environment? Will there be condensation on the lens and on the inside of the camera?


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February 26, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  That is a definite problem. The best thing to do is to put your equipment in a plastic bag and allow it to warm up to room temperature before taking it out of the bag.

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February 26, 2002


  Thanks so much for your speedy reply. I will try that when I go out to shoot on a cold day.


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February 27, 2002


John A. Lind
  Jeff's correct about the problem.
Opposite can occur during hot, humid summers going from cool, air-conditioned indoor environment to outdoor. Camera lenses will fog over until they warm to ambient temperature.

Completely sealing the camera in a plastic bag is unnecessary if you have a "never-ready" case and/or a camera bag with top that closes up. I case the camera in the bag before puting it in the car or taking it indoors when doing very cold weather work.

Another issue you may encounter:
If your camera has an electronic shutter, it may suffer mirror "lock-up" or complete failure to function. Battery voltages drop under severe cold conditions and they can fall below what's necessary to operate the camera electronics. Warming them brings the camera "back to life." LCD panels on current SLR's and digitals may also cease to function in severe cold. If this occurs, most users will keep the camera warm under their coat until it is used and then return it there to keep it warm. Others will keep a spare set of batteries in a pocket to keep them warm and switch them. The alternative is a completely mechanical camera. Temperatures at which these effects occur, and how long the camera must be exposed to them vary by camera make and model. Usually it must be below about +20F.

-- John

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February 27, 2002


  Thank you John. This will be very helpful.


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February 27, 2002

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