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Photography Question 

Roy Cordell

Why Use Film at a Speed Below Its ASA / ISO?

What would the purpose be in rating a film BELOW its ASA rating? For instance, some 400 speed films advertise themselves as perfoming well from 50 to 1200, but what would I gain by rating it below the recommended speed? I know that rating it higher will underexpose the film, create grainier images, but allow me to shoot in lower light situations. What would rating it lower give me?

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October 23, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  First of all lets get some terms straight. When you rate a film at something other than its published speed you are typically only changing the ISO setting on your camera and not adjusting the development of the film. You can pull a film by rating it lower and adjusting it's processing time down and you can push a film by rating it higher and increasing it's processing.

Realistically, when you are rating a negative film at a lower speed, you will get acceptable results. Most negative films don't handle underexposure very well so rating a film above it's ISO (w/out push processing it) will seldom yield good results.

Now that we have that clear (as mud, right?), when you rate a film slower you will increase contrast, color saturation, and shadow detail. If you pull a film (works well for high contrast scenes) you get the opposite. You end up with less contrast. When you push a negative film you get increased contrast and grain. Of course these are general characteristics and results vary from film to film in terms of grain and color saturation and the limits to which you can push/pull.

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October 23, 2001


Sherrie K. Miller
  also with 400 you can take pic that are in motion with less blur am I correct?
also I want to ask about my camara I jst bought I am very very new and need all the info I can get... DID I make a good buy? I bought a Minolta max. 5 with AF 28 - 80 F3.5-5.6(D) with zoom lense an will get more as I progress in my quest to become a photographer.
any advise would be nice thank you!

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March 17, 2002


  Yes, with 400 speed film you should be able to get a faster shutter speed and thus it would be easier to a take a pic of something that is in motion without as much blur. As for the camera question, I use a Canon, so, sorry I couldn't help.

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June 13, 2004


Tom Walker
  As for the camera, any of the top companies and Minolta is one of them make fine cameras. If it's comfortable for you to shoot with you'll take more pics, if not, you'll take less, so it's a personal choice thing. As for the film, most mfr's round thier film speed up, the higher the ISO the greater the diff in actual speed and listed speed.
I set all my neg film at about 1/3 stop slowwer for this reason, and as someone else said, you get better color saturation

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June 13, 2004

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